Shipment Execution Made Simple with IntelliTrans
Shipment Execution Tools for Your Transportation Operations
The IntelliTrans TMS offers various features designed to streamline your logistics operations for efficient and effective shipment execution.
From operations management to process automation, the TMS platform provides the tools you need to optimize your logistics processes and improve customer engagement.

Shipment Execution Features
Operations Management
TMS Dispatch
Manage by exception and let the IntelliTrans TMS enforce contracts, tender loads, and provide real-time communication with your business partners. The unique expansive-tendering algorithm drives least-cost carrier utilization, saving an average of almost $200 per load.
Invoice Audit & Payment
Automate invoice auditing to eliminate paperwork and resolve discrepancies quickly. Consolidating tendering, shipping, rating, and invoicing in a single platform improves auditing and reduces costs.
Workflow Guides
Create workflows by configuring widgets and alerts to guide your team through daily workloads. If you need to check on priority loads first thing each day, configure the widget or alert and move it to the top of the list for prioritization.

Carrier & Customer Engagement
User-Friendly Carrier Tools
Access an easy-to-use web portal and mobile app for carriers to manage appointments, respond to loads, and provide delivery confirmations. The IntelliTrans TMS also provides a site-check-in app for carriers to check in upon arrival and sign documentation.
Available on Google Play and the App Store.
Customer Visibility
Ensure your customers have easier access to shipment data to minimize emails and inquiries. IntelliTrans TMS can assist in enhancing your customers’ visibility into their shipments.
Process Automation
Bill of Lading Generator
Automate your BOL processing to rail carriers through a template matching process, allowing you to generate bills of lading, track the BOL processing, and view errors or corrections all in one place, even without complete rail BOL information in your ERP.
Automate Spot Bids
Automate spot bidding processes using benchmark or reference rates and advanced tendering strategies to automate bid acceptance and track bid performance.
Exception Process and Exception Shipment Notifications
Stay up-to-date with notifications of shipment delays and business process exceptions, helping you focus on the most important tasks.

Shipment Visibility and Tracking
Shipment Visibility
Gain insights on shipment locations with customer portal API connections, scheduled notifications, and reports. IntelliTrans TMS processes over 4.5M shipment location messages daily, offering a centralized platform for multi-modal shipment visibility.